Friday, January 25, 2008

Final Itineray

Well it is finally starting to feel really "real"!!! Our itinerary is just a tad different than the last post. We will be meeting Jeremy on Monday, Feb 18 and are so excited to realize the day is finally set! We will be staying at the Dolton Hotel in Changsha, Hunan. We will be able to visit Jeremy's SWI on Wed the 20th - the trip is 2 1/2 hrs one way and it might prove to be a long day. We won't be going to Guangzhou until Saturday, the 23rd, with Jeremy's medical and visa photos set for Tues the 26th, CA the 27th, Oath taking/visa pickup on the 28th and flying out at 8:30am on the 29th. We will stay at the Victory Hotel as we did when we adopted Sarabeth. I so hope the ayis at Jeremy's SWI have been informed as to when we will be coming now. I so want him to be mentally/emotionally prepared. I was talking on the phone to another adoptive mom who is going to China with us and the SWI director from where her son is coming from does not tell the children about the adoption until the DAY they are going to meet their parents. I just can't believe this and am so thankful our children were all prepared for our coming (not sure for Juls, but she was so young). And this family's son is almost 6 yrs old. How sad for this child - and how traumatizing.

I know for a fact that the kids at Jeremy's SWI are well prepared for adoption and the two who have come home recently are doing great! I just can't tell you all how very excited I am about going to pick up Jeremy!!! I am NOT looking forward to that loooooong flight - there AND back. That is the worst part of the entire process for me. And to be going in the middle of February out of Minneapolis ..... well, please pray for decent weather, because we do have to make connections!!

Will sign off for now - our travel group is making plans for dinner get togethers and even a birthday party, too!


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