Tuesday, January 29, 2008

China hit with blizzards

In case any of you have been reading the international news, China is being hit with the worst cold and snow than they have had in 50 years. Changsha, Hunan is a hub of exchange for many traveling by train south to north or visa versa. Changsha has been hit very hard and trains have been shut down for nearly a week. The airport has been closed in Changsha, too. Remember where we are going to meet Jeremy??? Yup, Changsha, Hunan! Electric has been off for nearly a week in some areas and no coal deliveries for just as long. I certainly pray for safety for so many millions of people involved in all of this, but most especially for Jeremy and his SWI. Much of this snow and cold has hit central and southern China, which are sometimes never hit with cold. Many of these places have no heat to start with! Yikes!

We are firming up plans to visit PHF/Langfang Children's Village - hope to actually stay there at Shepherd's Field on Saturday night!



Rebel said...

Keeping your son in my thoughts and prayers!
Hope all will be thawed in the next couple weeks for your journey!

Cheers, Rebel

The Curries said...

I'm thankful you all are not over there stranded someplace. Praying that little Jeremy stays warm. Also, thanks for putting a link to Pastor Cox's site- I think Brad may enjoy reading it.
Love, Sher