Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jeremy is smiling!

We are following the Chapman's blog as they pick up Charis and a few pix were posted there yesterday. I nearly totally missed my little mister in a group of kids from the orphanage. Why? Because they buzzed his hair and his face looks so much fuller since he is smiling! We don't have any pictures of Jeremy in a full smile. He is in this shot, but unfortunately a fellow orphan's hand is giving the victory sign right in front of Jeremy's face. BUT you can still see the smile with his full cheeks and scrunched up eyes. Can't wait to see him face to face. Click on the picture to see it explode on your screen.


1 comment:

as written by Barbara said...

I just had a minute to catch up with your "Journey to Jeremy" and I am so glad I did. Want you to know you are in my prayers and heart always. We were in the same place last year this time. The picture does come alive. You can see Jeremy's smile. That smile is so close and is coming for you to hold in your arms. :-)
Dear Heavenly Father, please be with a dear friend as she waits. Give her energy and calmness. Amen.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving. Know that I am just an e-mail away.
Barbara Lyman (WCF)